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letzte Änderung 06.11.2007
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Virgoranto Texte

1. VIRGORANTO BABEL TEXT (aus dem Englischen übersetzt)

1. Tota landos havir en lango un venga vordos.

2. His travelir fran osto un his arivir in en plata lando in Shirmarlando un her his setelir.

3. His parlir desu hiselfa: "Mes mekos ciglos un mes brandor gis gude!" So his havir ciglos for stonos un mekor gis tilsame med fixta geo.

4. His parlir: "Mes konstruktor en cito un en turmo so hoga kvi heveno un mes mekor for meselfa en veri guda namo, kve mes ne esor normados of geo."

5. Godeo komir desu vidi cito un turmo, kvilken kindos of manos kontruktir.

6. Un hi parlir: "Ju vidar tota folka esar en un gis havar en lango, un to esar bara begino of his kanar meki, un nun me ne kanar stopi his fran jeda ago his volar meki."

7. "Me goior desu un me vexnemor hisa lango un his ne kanar forstari enande."

8. Godeo presir his goi in jeda parto of geo un his opgivir konstrukti hisa cito.

9. Un cito esir givata namo Babelo, forkvod her godeo vexnemir tota langos un presir his vex over totala geo.

Zu grundeliegende englische Originalfassung:

1. All the lands had one language and few words.

2. They travelled across from the east, and they got to some flat land in Shinar, and here they made their home.

3. They said amongst themselves, "We will make bricks, and burn them well." They then had bricks for stone, and put them together with sticky earth.

4. They said, "We will make a town, and a tower as high as heaven, and we will make a very good name for ourselves, so that we will not be nomads over the earth."

5. The Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of the men were making.

6. And he said, "You see, all the people are one and have all one language, and this is only the start of what they can do, and now I can not keep them from any action they wish to pursue."

7. "I will go down and take away their language, and they will not be able to understand one another."

8. The Lord God forced them into every part of the earth, and they gave up building their town.

9. And this was given the name Babel, because here the Lord took away all languages, and forced them away over the whole earth
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