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letzte Änderung 09.06.2009
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INT_ Interlingua

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*** euyasik {at} gmx {dot} net ***. - THANK YOU!
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*** euyasik {at} gmx {dot} net ***. - ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!

Moderator: Gerhard Bischoff
email: Euyasik [at} gmx (dot) net

Author: G. Bischoff
Translater: L. Duschek


On the web site "Euyasik" the presenter is collecting contributions to the application areas "Communication" and "Speech". Here emphasis should be laid on the advancement of constructed languages which could be applied in future as lingua franca.

A lingua franca should be understood as a language which, like English nowadays, can be spoken as a second language by many people thus enabling wide-ranged international communication.

A constructed language (conlang), also often called a universal language, auxiliary language (auxlang), international auxiliary language (IAL), artificial language, invented language should be understood as a language constructed by people as opposed to national languages and local dialects which have evolved over long periods of time.

Constructed languages are called in different countries accordingly Plansprache/ Welthilfssprache, Lingua artificiale/ Lingua ausiliaria, Kunsttaal/ Internationale Hulptaal, Lengua construida/ Lengua auxiliar, Langue construite/ Langue auxiliaire, Limbă artificială/ Limbă internaţională, Języki sztuczne/ Język pomocniczy, Искусственный язык/ Международные вспомогательные языки, Mesterséges nyelv, Nemzetközi segédnyelv Umělý jazyk/ Mezinárodní pomocný jazyk Planlingvo/ Internacia planlingvo, . . .

The sense of a constructed language generally lies in its extremely simple and completely regular grammar as well as its easily comprehensible vocabulary. This makes it possible to learn the constructed language very easily, much faster and also more perfectly than English, for example.

The only drawback that constructed languages have at present is that they are too insufficiently widespread at present to allow them to be applied generally as a lingua franca.

The objective of this web site "Euyasik" is to increase awareness of speech and communication and of the advantage of constructed languages. - It does not intend to compare the qualities of different constructed languages or for the constructed languages in this forum to compete with each other. If you want to learn more about "Interlingua" you should go to the pages of "Union Mundial pro Interlingua (UMI)".

Please do not hesitate to compose articles yourself and send them to "Euyasik" [Euyasik (at) gmx (dot) net]. In the following bulletin board you can submit contributions containing additions, remarks, corrections or other opinions, etc. regarding this particular subject.

The following rules apply: your eMail address will only be published if requested by you. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded; a nickname is considered anonymous if the real name of the author is not also supplied. Above all, we would like to aim for a certain level.


# 0001

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# 0002


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