Das ist die Antwort auf Beitrag 21829434


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Das wäre super danke :)

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Hallo Lantana!
Die Nachricht von Omar ist erfreulich schnell eingetroffen.
Jetzt hoffe ich, dass dein Englisch ausreichend ist (ansonsten musst du mir halt Bescheid geben).
Ciao, Tamy.

I'll re-transcribe the sentences in a more accurate way, too:

>>>> Mahomch fiddar

Ma hu-m-c fi d-dar.
They're not home.

>>>> Li7san
Good (the opposite of evil), good deeds.

>>>> Touselik

It's either "tewṣel-lek" (it'll reach you) or "tweṣṣel-k" (she'll drive you/walk you somewhere). It might mean something else, though. When the transcription isn't accurate, there are endless possibilities to interpret a sentence. Note that this is dialectic Arabic, and this form of Arabic doesn't have a fixed orthography. It's oral Arabic and people write it just the way they hear it.

>>>> Alihom

Ɛli-hum - Upon them, on them, about them.

Eg. Hedṛu ɛli-hum - They talked about them.

>>>> Ninsa = I forget.

>>>> Heka aleh
Ḥka-leh = He told him, he related him (a story).

>>>> Hakeka
I guess it's "ḥaqiqa" (truth).

>>>> Matbalbaz
It's an unfamiliar word. The dialectic Arabic I'm familiar with is Algiers Arabic. The closest word would be "mlebbeẓ" which means "flattened, crushed", from "lebbeẓ" (to crush, to cause sth to be flat or crushed).

>>>> 5ayef
It should be "xayef" (the "x" is like German "ch" in "Buch" [book]). "Xayef" is an adjective which means "afraid, scared".

>>>> Mat7assalt
It looks like "ma tḥeṣṣelt-c" - I didn't get, I didn't win (points).
Ma tḥeṣṣelt ɛla ḥetta ḥaǧa - I got nothing.
Ma tḥeṣṣelt ɛla ḥetta nuqṭa - I didn't win any point.

>>>> Ebaathli
Bɛet-li = send me.
Bɛet-li misaj = Send me a message/Message me.

>>>> Belik
It looks like the local form of "belli" (that, relative pronoun):
Qal-li BELLI ṛa-h ṛayeḥ iǧi = He told me THAT he was going to come.

>>>> 3andi
Ɛend-i = I have.
Ɛend-i ktab = I have a book.

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Hallo! Wow, das ging ja super schnell, vielen Dank!

Darf ich noch was hinterherschicken?

nkalmik Bich Nitmen

Daaanke :-*

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Hier die neue Antwort meines Korrespondenzpartners Omar:

>>>> nkalmik Bich Nitmen
>>>> Oultaw

It sounds like Tunisian Arabic. If we take all the words you posted as a single sentence, it'd mean:

"I talk to you to make sure that you're OK/so I feel OK and now"

Otherwise, if "oultaw" is a separate sentence, it simply means "and now".

Ich hoffe, du kommst damit klar.
Ciao, Tamy.

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Super hilft mir sehr danke :)

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