Das ist die Antwort auf Beitrag 21826660


Hallo, Ballrocker!

Ich habe einen arabischsprachigen Korrespondenzpartner um Information gebeten, und es ging ihm wohl ähnlich, wie Ethesok es schon schrieb.
Hier ist seine Antwort:

The tattoo is quite difficult to read. It looks like Arabic but it looks reversed as if it was seen on a mirror. It neither seems to be a sentence, not does it seem to be a known Muslim expression like "Allah-u akbar" (God is great) or "La ilah-a illa Allah" (there is no deity but God). I could only decipher two single words which are, themselves, misspelt. The one completely to the left means "Allah" but it lacks a letter, unless it means "li-Lah" (for God). And the one completely to the right is "Ali" and means "Ali" (prophet Muhammad's son-in-law), a name which also means "high" or "elevated" in Arabic.

Ciao, Tamy.

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Ok, Danke schon mal für die Rückmeldung.
Ich werde versuchen, ein besseres Bild zu bekommen.

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