Ich habe einen arabischsprachigen Korrespondenzpartner um Information gebeten, und es ging ihm wohl ähnlich, wie Ethesok es schon schrieb.
Hier ist seine Antwort:
The tattoo is quite difficult to read. It looks like Arabic but it looks reversed as if it was seen on a mirror. It neither seems to be a sentence, not does it seem to be a known Muslim expression like "Allah-u akbar" (God is great) or "La ilah-a illa Allah" (there is no deity but God). I could only decipher two single words which are, themselves, misspelt. The one completely to the left means "Allah" but it lacks a letter, unless it means "li-Lah" (for God). And the one completely to the right is "Ali" and means "Ali" (prophet Muhammad's son-in-law), a name which also means "high" or "elevated" in Arabic.