I would like to introduce myself as a suitable candidate (geeignete Kandidatin) at the universities xxy and explain my motivation for a stay abroad (meine Motivation für einen Auslandsaufenthalt).
At the moment I am currently studying teaching certification in Italian and computer sciences (Ich studiere Lehramt It/Informatik).
Already during my 3-year school stay in Italy, I couldn`t only consolidate my love for the italian language and culture, but also gain my first experience in dealing with foreign cultures (Bereits während meines 3-jährigen Schulaufenthaltes in Italien, konnte ich nicht nur meine Liebe zur italienischen Sprache und Kultur festigen, sondern auch meine ersten Erfahrungen im Umgang mit fremden Kulturen sammeln).
After completing my studies I aspire to a position in the higher school area/secondary academic schools (Höherer Schulbereich, Gymnasium).
In order to fulfill this position as well as possible and to be optimally prepared for the daily work with the students, I would like to supplement my studies with a semester abroad in Italy.
I would like to deepen my already acquired language skills locally (meine bereits erlernten Sprachkenntnisse vor Ort vertiefen).